Why You Must Perform Soil Resistivity Testing Before Beginning Work on a Project

Environmental Blog

Before work can begin on any significant construction project, contractors will need to know what they are dealing with. In particular, they need to explore the nature and consistency of the soil beneath so that they can make informed decisions and employ the best construction processes. To help achieve these goals, specialist contractors will need to conduct some tests of the soil and focus on its resistivity. What does this involve, and why is it so important?

9 May 2022

3 Ways IAQ Consultants Help Eliminate Hidden Costs Associated with Poor Indoor Air Quality

Environmental Blog

The average Australian spends approximately 90% of their time indoors. However, more people are familiar with outdoor air pollution and its consequences than with indoor air pollution. This is worrying because the hidden costs associated with poor indoor air quality are significant. That is the reason why consulting with professional indoor air quality services is critical. Here is a look at how IAQ consultants help eliminate hidden costs.  Identifying Pollutants -- Indoor air pollutants vary significantly.

17 February 2021

Ways to Make Your Pool's Heat Pump Last Longer

Environmental Blog

As a refreshing luxury that people throughout the country enjoy, swimming pools depend on a host of hidden machines to remain clean and inviting. One of those machines is your heat pump, which creates an ambient temperature no matter what the time of year is. If you want to make sure you dip your toes into warm water, you need to learn how to make your pool's heat pump last longer.

8 August 2018

Safe and Secure: How Asbestos is Disposed Of

Environmental Blog

If you've found asbestos in your home, you will rightly be focused on having it removed from the property as soon as possible. The hazard it poses to health is well documented, and it certainly isn't safe to keep around your family. However, actually removing the asbestos is only the first step in a complicated process. Here's what will happen during the asbestos disposal process. Preparation Once the asbestos has been extracted, it needs to be carefully contained to avoid contaminating the surrounding area.

31 May 2018

Instances Where you Need an Independent Air Quality Consultant

Environmental Blog

Workplace performance relies on the air quality as much as it does on motivation among other factors. Therefore, if you are an employer and you notice that your employees' performance is dwindling, you might need to evaluate the quality of air in your premises and facility. Notably, firms can either have an in-house air quality evaluation department or hire an indoor air quality (IAQ), consultant. While an in-house IAQ consultant offers the requirements for meeting air quality levels, there are instances when a facility might need to hire independent air quality consulting.

21 May 2018

How Landscape Supply Companies Can Help Homeowners

Environmental Blog

If you have a larger than usual project to complete in your garden, then you may find that larger landscape suppliers will be of benefit to you. For smaller landscaping projects in the home and garden, such as creating a patio or moving a border, then—in fairness—you are probably better off buying what you need from a local DIY store or garden centre. However, for more extensive changes, like creating a tiered terrace or redesigning your driveway and garden's frontage, you may well find it more cost-effective to buy your landscape supplies from a specialist.

15 May 2018

3 Tips for Maximizing Your Earnings when Recycling Aluminium Cans


Almost everyone has some kind of scrap metal lying around their homes. Some of the metals that are sought after by scrap yards today are copper, brass and aluminium. However, of the three, aluminium is the only metal that you might easily find lying around the house, especially if you consume a lot of soda. Copper is usually found in electrical wiring, pipes, motors and insulation, and brass can be found in music instruments, plumbing pipes and cabinets.

9 May 2018